Ugh Venting
You know, I want to think the best in everyone I come across, which is well deserved, or so I thought. Slowly, you see their true colors unwind. It's kinda sad. I thought the best in everyone, and what I know now, I just wished I never got involved with those kind of people. People who I thought were your friends and turn around and start to hide shit. Not even hide shit, more like, "don't ask, don't tell" game. And you wonder why people or "your group" dislikes you. Need an answer? I've got plenty for you.
I don't understand, why it is necessary to sit there and blow my ear off with your compliants. I am trying to understand what you go through and simply can't, when you continue to bitch and complain about everything going on in your life. Wake up, smell the coffee, it's not as bad it seems. If you haven't noticed, the 3o580921358958915 problems going on in the world, yours is nothing compared to theirs. I'm tired of feeling bad, to the point, where the tears won't help you or help me understand anymore. Its a routine every month. And I'm sorry, but I don't feel bad anymore. I'm starting to feel bad for myself nowadays.
14 years ago