I'll be on a plane in about 12 hours and I haven't even packed. God, I lag. I have no idea what to pack and how much to pack. Boo. My parents decided to take a later flight, which leaves me flying at 6:30AM. Lovely.
I'm pretty damn excited for this mini getaway. However, it is always good to get away, whether its to Frisco or anywhere else thats not the valley. I have so many things to do while there. Places I want to see, Clariz that I want to see, Places I want to eat, and of course a BUNCH of places I want to shop at. There's just something about San Fransisco that's amazing, maybe I'll figure that all out when I get there.
Oh, And I can't forget, there's some protesting I need to do also.
Alright, I shall pack now. The Target. Then some awesome waffles at Roscoe's. Just waffles please, no chicken. With a Lisa's Delight on the side. Please and Thank you.
I'll post pictures of my lovely trip. Promise. I know, all this typing and reading shit, gets boring.